Harry Valentine
Author and Researcher
Mr. Valentine has a degree in mechanical engineering from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada specializing in thermodynamics (energy conversion) and transportation technology. He has worked as a technical journalist for the past 10-years and has more than 2 decades of research in the transportation industry.
Future Development of Flettner Rotor Propulsion
Wind energy historically provided the basis for vessel propulsion, using sails and sometimes kites. During the 1920s, en...
Kite Stacks for Vessel Propulsion
Kite builders have for decades installed multiple kites on a single control line, forming an airborne train of kites tha...
A Convergence of Technologies Under the Hulls of Boats
In his classic treatise entitled "Competing for the Future," University of Michigan professor of business...
Above-Water Applications of Voith-Schneider Propulsion
The Voith Schneider propulsion system rotates on a vertical-axis and is well-proven in tug boat and ferry boat propulsion. A n...
Port of Montreal's New Container Terminal May Need a New Rail Line
Prior to the recent port workers’ strike, the Port of Montreal maritime container transshipment terminal located o...
The Great Lakes as a Testing Area for Articulated Vessels
Technical innovations that evolved along North American inland waterways between the mid-1800s and mid-1900s have the po...
Developing Marine Container Traffic Along the St. Lawrence Seaway
Early initiatives at developing marine container traffic along the St. Lawrence Seaway were unsuccessful and resulted in...
Re-evaluating Gas Turbine Engines for Future Maritime Propulsion
The combination of advances in engine management technology, in the design of heat exchange technology and the chemistry of high-t...
Combining Hovercraft and Ground Effect Technology for Freight Transport
Both hovercraft and ground effect technology can be developed to carry weight of several of the largest cargo airplanes....