Dione Lee
Dione Lee

Dione Lee, President of QSE Solutions, has spent over 26 years working with the maritime industry to achieve zero incidents through operational excellence. In partnership with MITAGS-PMI, Dione offers a series of workshops to help companies manage risk, ensure regulatory compliance, and continually improve operations through people, processes and performance solutions.
SOCP Summit to Discuss The Human-Machine Team
The maritime community is invited to attend the Ship Operations Cooperative Program (SOCP) 2018 Spring Summit at STAR Center in Da...
Building Learning Organizations for Sustainability
Why Learning Organizations? In a world of constant change and competition, how do we discover and follow our “True North&...
Empowering Crews to Combat Fatigue through CEMS
Crew Endurance Management System, most commonly referred to as “CEMS”, is the result of 25 years of research on sleep&...
Unmanned Vessels - At What Cost?
The beginning of this year has seen action on two projects advancing the concept and design of unmanned vessels, but will the cost...
A Decade of Collaboration Yields Big Results
This is a story of people and organizations working together for the common good by ensuring an adequate supply of qualified and c...
Navigating the Future
Challenges await the tug-and-barge industry as it prepares for Subchapter M, increased use of LNG as a fuel, and cybersecurity thr...
Strengthen Your Workforce Using Competency Management
I was very excited to see the February 2016 issue of The Navigator, a free publication by The Nautical Institute in association wi...
Preparing the Crew for an Audit
As the United States Coast Guard 46 CFR Subchapter “M” looms on the horizon, and the updated American Waterways O...
Safety Digest: Informative and Interesting Read
In October of 2015, the UK Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) published volume 2 of their “Safety Digest”, wh...
Making the Most of Policies and Procedures
Most people who don’t live in the Pacific Northwest are unaware of our “wind events”, which consist of wind advi...